Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Goodbye to Live 105.3...

By now, you likely know that Live 105.3 is now "The Fan." CBS Radio decided to go in a different direction, which doesn't include "The Everett Newton Show" or "The Russ Martin Show." Like Dan O'Malley, I have the dubious distinction of having been fired from TWO shows on the same day! Of course, the flip side of that circumstance is that I am fortunate to have been on TWO shows to begin with. Two shows that had a great run... almost 8 with Russ, and over 4 on my weekend gig.

In fact, I'm very lucky to have ended up in radio at all. After all, I'm a criminal defense attorney, and have always been very happy with that as my chief vocation. I'm very grateful to Russ for giving me the opportunity to be part of his show. Otherwise, I wouldn't have ended up in radio. I'm equally obliged to Gavin Spittle not only for giving me my own show, but also for allowing me broad discretion to conduct it as I saw fit.

As you might imagine, I have received NUMEROUS email regarding 105.3's abrupt shift in direction. Your kind words are appreciated more than you know. I realize that many of you are very upset with the new format. Of course, CBS Radio is a business. As with any business, their goal is to maximize the bottom line. Their belief is that "The Fan" will do just that. For that reason, I respect their decision.

So now what? Well, for now, I'll continue to enjoy the practice of law. I have a great law partner, a wonderful staff, and a profession that I find very satisfying.

Maybe I'll end up on another show someday. Maybe not. If I don't, I will always have many fond memories of my time "on the air" and of the many friends I've made over the years as a result. If I do, I hope you'll tune in! Regardless, the greatest debt of gratitude I owe is to you, the listener. Thank you for your many years of support!


Anonymous said...

I will miss the Everett Newton Show!!! (but I will definitely not miss EV)


Anonymous said...

"CBS Radio is a business ... their goal is to maximize the bottom line"

By me deleting the 105.3 preset on my radio? I really don't need or want 168 hours of programming every week reminding me of how our 'boys are doing....

Good luck, hope to hear you, Russ, and Tom all on the air again soon!!

Ralph Smole said...

I'll really miss you and your show,Everett. I know you're trying to be politically correct concerning the demise of Live 105.3, but I don't: IT SUCKS THE BAG!
For more,see MY blog:

Anonymous said...

Geez, how much taalk about the Cowboys does DFW need? I will certainly miss you playing Password on the RMS and even the Legal Lexicon, too.

Anonymous said...

I believe CBS killed their own station by going to sports. We already have sports stations and no one listens to them. I havent missed your show in 2 years and was there the day Russ started. I will not listen to the station now. Dont get me wrong, I am a Cowboy fan but I watch the games and the news, I dont need it ramed down my throat 5 days a week by has beens. I will be there when Russ comes back and I hope you come back too. Please keep us posted on the return of you and Russ. Untill then stay cool .