Saturday, December 5, 2009

Little Morphine Annie on facebook

Win valuable prizes!!! Become a fan of my band, Little Morphine Annie, on facebook!

(just kidding about the whole "prizes" thing...)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Little Morphine Annie's movie debut... TONIGHT!!!

Little Morphine Annie's movie debut in "Stockholm Syndrome" is tonight in Addison @ 6:45, Studio Movie Grill. 5405 Beltline Road! We'll be playing a set prior to the movie, followed by a screening of the movie, in which we appear. Hope to see you there!!!


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Little Morphine Annie's CD now available everywhere!

Little Morphine Annie's CD now available on iTunes Mexico! (And iTunes U.S., iTunes New Zealand, iTunes Canada, iTunes UK, iTunes Japan, Napster,, eMusic, Rhapsody, Lala, Shockhound, Amie Street, LimeWire Store, and Nokia).

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Little Morphine Annie's movie debut!

Check out Little Morphine Annie in our movie debut!!! We’ll play a 20 minute set at the premier of "Stockholm Syndrome," a movie by L.A. filmmaker Taylor Hayden, on December 3rd, 7:00 p.m., at the Studio Movie Grill in Addison. We also appear in the movie!!! Tickets are $8.


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Little Morphine Annie getting more airplay!

My band, Little Morphine Annie, is now getting airplay on's "DigiVegas Podsafe Showcase."

Here's some more Little Morphine Annie news:

On Friday, we began getting airplay on indie104 - iRADIO LA, voted as the first "Internet Radio Station Of The Year" by New Music Weekly Magazine, is the world's first and most popular Independent Radio station. They get over 7 MILLION LISTENERS per year! Check us out @, as we should be getting 5 plays per day. Feel free to request us, online at their website. We promise not to hate it if you do!

Also, we've been informed that we will continue to get airplay on
"The Fox" in Killeen and "The Bear" in Waco, Sunday nights between 9 and 9:30 p.m. Their websites also take requests, so as long as you're online...

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Clearly, this falls under the heading of "why do you want to know." But I see no harm in answering, SOOOOOO...

I've been asked, "how many domain names do you own?" Why anyone would care, I can't imagine. But here goes. I have a number of domain names that forward to my two business websites: and

For Dallas expunctions, Dallas expungements... these forward to

For Dallas nondisclosures and Texas nondisclosures, and orders of nondisclosure... these also forward to

For Dallas traffic ticket defense, traffic ticket attorneys, or traffic ticket lawyers in Dallas... these also forward to

And, of course, for Everett's Blog:

Friday, October 23, 2009

My band in the movies

Long time no post! Well, here I am again. I'm making a pre-New Years resolution to start blogging regularly again. Hopefully, I won't fail before the New Year actually arrives. Regardless, here's my first effort in some time. And my attempt to catch you up on a few things:

1. My band, Little Morphine Annie, has been very active of late. We've been playing a number of live shows (most recently @ Trees in Deep Ellum last Saturday). Last Sunday night, we received airplay on two FM stations: "The Fox" in Killeen and "The Bear" in Waco. Many thanks to Dana McKenzie for making us the featured band on her show!

2. Also, we're doing the soundtrack for an, as yet, unnamed Taylor Hayden film... and we make a cameo appearance in his latest movie, "Stockholm Syndrome," which will premiere on December 3rd at the Studio Movie Grill in Addison. As if that's not enough, we're ALSO doing the soundtrack for a really cool horror film, "Texas Frightmare Massacre" which is being released in Spring, 2010 (I know it's going to be really cool because, even though it hasn't been released, I've read the script... GREATNESS!!!).

3. I have NO IDEA WHATSOEVER if/how/when/where the Russ Martin Show will re-appear.

That's it for now. Happy New Year!

Monday, March 30, 2009

LMA's new CD to be used as soundtrack in horror film!

As many of you know, I play guitar in a band called Little Morphine Annie. Big news in that regard...we've been approached by an independent filmmaker in L.A. to use our new, as yet unreleased, CD as the soundtrack in an upcoming horror film.

In June, he will hold a screening of a completed film at The Studio Movie Grill in Addison, at which time we will perform a short 20 minute set prior to the film being shown. No definite date yet, though we know it'll be on a Thursday. Tickets are $8, and we'll (of course) let you know when we have more details. This will be LMA's first live performance of our new material, and an opportunity to showcase our fantastic new lead singer Jen, not to mention a chance to see a cool horror flick!

Keep checking back,as more details will follow on this, as well as on a HUGE CD release party that's in the works, the release date for the CD, and the date on which you will be able to download us on iTunes. Also, LMA has a new myspace page, so be sure and add us as a friend AND to check out the new song we've posted.

Rock on!!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

LMA's new CD: Listen now on our new myspace page!

What's up? I haven't blogged in awhile, but for good reason. Temporarily, I've abandoned literary pursuits for musical ones. More specifically, I've spent a great deal of time over the past couple of months in the studio with my band, Little Morphine Annie. Former listeners of "The Everett Newton Show" may know that we performed all the instrumental music on the show. Also, our originals could be heard during "The Howard Stern Show" on Live 105.3 (i.e., before "The Russ Martin Show" took his slot).

Anyway, as of last Wednesday, we've finished recording a brand new 12 song CD of original music. Though it's "mixed" it's still not "mastered." Which means it's not QUITE done, but it's pretty close. If you'd like to hear one track, check out our new myspace page.

In the very near future, I'll be blogging about our CD release date, as well as the time and date of what will be a HUGE CD release party (it's already taken on the proverbial "life of its own"). Not to mention some other REALLY cool news about the band, and an unexpected place where you may also be able to hear our new tunes. Be sure and add us as a friend, and let me know what you think of the new song.

And, BTW, now that the music's almost done, I'll be back here... blogging about legal matters that will be of use, or, at least, of interest to you. Until then, ROCK ON!!!